I Value proof of work more than certifications or any other such credential or metric that can often fall prey to Goodhart's Law. Along those lines, here's my proof of work, a comprehensive record of what I've been up to (also partially inspired by Manas Saloi's POW).
Proofs appear in reverse chronological order.
🎓 Graduated from PES University
Finally a free man.
🎙️ Moderated the Systems Track Wrap-Up Session at Rootconf 2024
🎙️ Hosted Alex Garcia (sqlite-vec
) at Bengaluru Systems for an Invited Talk
📀 Invited talk on Magma at my Alma Mater
My Colleague and I presented a talk on Magma, entitled "Storage Engines 101: Zero to Magma" to an audience of undergraduate students and systems enthusiasts at PES University, Electronic City Campus.
🚀 Pulled myself out of a really large rut
Learnt that smaller projects are key to making progress. Larger-scale rules are outlined in Sketching, but in short -
- Keep the end goal very clear
- Do only the parts absolutely necessary - don't reinvent the wheel for parts of the project you don't care too much about
- Small amounts of work daily beats large chunks that happen at an irregular pace
⚙️ Started Bengaluru Systems along with my friends!
Bengaluru Systems Meetup is a new meetup and community in Bengaluru which is a...
meetup about databases, distributed systems, dataflow systems, and compilers, in Bengaluru!
We've run six iterations of this meetup as of January 2025, featuring some very cool speakers and exploring topics like MongoDB's Cache Eviction strategy, building Esolangs from scratch, configuration management at a decacorn scale, CUDA internals, Web Browser Internals, and many more cool topics.
🛋️ Became a full-time engineer at Couchbase
I work on the Storage team, working on Magma, our latest LSM-Tree based Storage Engine.
Published my first research paper at ICBDA 2024!
More details TBD.
🛋️ Started an Internship at Couchbase!
Joined Couchbase as a Developer Intern.
- Started an internal research paper reading group
- Wrote a parallel load testing tool that hit ~200,000 Ops/sec on an M3 Pro with 36GB RAM
- contributed to the AI journey of the company by ideating on and building proof of concept applications using Couchbase Vector Indices
🛁 Started building Jacuzzi
Jacuzzi is a concurrent Database Page Cache. It's built to avoid multiple rounds of Disk I/O by caching pages in userspace.
Finished Capstone Project on Benchmarking Time-Series Databases for Observability Workloads
⏰ Gave a Talk on Lamport's "Time and Clocks" paper at College
This was pretty fun, and given how
well-written the paper was, I didn't need any slides to explain things.
📝 Presented a Paper at Prof Aleksey Charapko's Distributed Systems Reading Group
I presented the Oakestra paper, which focusses on an alternative to Kubernetes for the Edge.
🔍 Gave a Talk on Vector Databases
Picture Credit: Harini Anand
⚡ Gave a Lightning Talk at GopherCon India 2023
Doing a completely unplanned Flash Talk turned out to be more fun than I expected.
The talk was about how I used Raft to implement a clone of Kafka (with a restricted subset of features) for a college project, bypassing an extremely expensive zookeeper implementation to achieve better fault tolerance and lesser manual supervision for scaling up and down.
🔁 PESU Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Level 2 (Aug-Dec 2023)
I finished Level 2 of CIE's course, which covers starting and running a "Lean" startup. The course focussed on customer discovery and Lean validation, and included lots of hands-on customer discovery and interaction.
👨🏫 Teaching Assistant, Big Data at PES University (Aug-Dec 2023)
Responsibilites included -
- Creating problem statements for assignments and projects (implementing joins through mapreduce, implementing a distributed load testing tool using Kafka)
- Helping conduct live sessions and hands-on demonstrations of various tools and programs used
- Grading and Evaluating projects and assignment submissions
- Helping clear student doubts
⚙️ Systems Engineering Intern at Bytebeam (Jun-Aug 2023)
At Bytebeam, I worked on a number of projects, including -
- Highly Parallel MQTT load testing utility in Rust: Designed and Implemented a highly parallel load-testing utility for MQTT Brokers in Rust
- Next-Generation Distributed MQTT Broker in Rust: Designed and Implemented components of a distributed commit-log based MQTT Broker in Rust
🥼 Became Lab Head at PES Innovation Lab
I became one of five Lab Heads at the esteemed PES Innovation Lab.
🗣️ Talks
I was invited to give a bunch of talks, specifically at -
- Rust Bengaluru May 2023 Meetup on Saaru - material here
- FOSS United Bengaluru Meetup on "The State of FOSS at Universities in the 2020s"
💻 Started Building Saaru
Saaru is a static site generator written in Rust, and it's been used to generate the blog you're reading this site on! Check it out on Github, and feel free to look at the documentation.
Backend Developer Intern - Setu API
Worked briefly on the ONDC Team.
Tech Lead - Hacknight 4.0
Led a team of developers and maintainers as part of ACM PESUECC's Hacknight, also architected and implemented BunSamosa-Bot, the official event bot.
Rustlang 101
Conducted a workshop on Rust with PES Innovation Lab
Golang 101
Conducted a workshop on Golang with Hackerspace.
Vice-Chairperson - ACM PESUECC
I was appointed Vice-Chairperson of ACM PESUECC. We conducted various events under my leadership -
- Hacknight
Attending Meetups and Conferences
Attended and participated in Deepsource's .meetup
series and
IndiaFOSS 2022
Project Intern at PES Innovation Lab (Jun-Jul)
Here, I worked on a project called PseudoDeploy, which uses Kubernetes to automate and enhance the Federated Learning Research Process and experience. The process involved diving deep into Kubernetes as well as the Flower framework for federated learning. Bonus fun part - getting to setup a mini kubernetes cluster from scratch!
PESU Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Level 1
I finished Level 1 of CIE's course, which detailed all the basics of starting up, straight from idea generation to the basics of financial knowledge required, along with a healthy dose of hands-on activities.
Student Developer, Microsoft Innovation Hub (formerly Microsoft Technology Center) Bengaluru
Here I worked independently on the setup and implementation of an Azure-Enabled Hydroponics Monitoring System. I was involved in both the hardware and software sides of this project, and I used Azure tools and technologies such as Azure {Event Hub, IoT Hub, Stream Analytics, Power BI} to implement it. Some parts are discussed here.
Contributed to Meilisearch
Read more on the blog post about this
LaunchPad 2021
Organized and Conducted an Ideathon supported by PESU Venture Labs
Tech Lead: HackNight 2021
Led a team of developers and open-source maintainers to conduct HackNight, ACM PESUECC's annual Hacktoberfest event. Implemented and Optimized Chick-bot, the official event bot.
Git Up and Running 2021
Conducted a workshop on Git, and taught 200+ students about the basics of contributing to open source.
Core Team Lead, HSP (formerly HackerSpace PESUECC)
I was appointed the founding core team lead of HSP, which is a student-driven developer and Open-source community. As of the date of writing this, HSP is now a vibrant and well-known fixture of the PESU Student Community, comprising of more than 35 Staff members.
Started Learning Rust
I don't have to say too much more :D
Joined PES University
Finished the CS50 Course offered by Harvard University on EdX.
Learnt about Byzantine Fault Tolerance
My gateway drug into the field of Distributed Systems.
Electronic Election System
My friends Shreyas, Abhay, and I completely automated our school's cabinet election system, taking what was a 3-day labor-intensive process down to a 3-hour paperless process.